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How to Prepare Bag

How to Prepare Bag

Preparing and filling a Rosin Bag by Access Rosin is a straightforward process that allows you to extract rosin from your plant material effectively. Below is a step-by-step guide to help you through the process:

Step-by-Step Guide to Prepare and Fill a Rosin Bag

Materials Needed:

  • Access Rosin bags (appropriate micron size for your material)
  • Dried cannabis flower or hash (depending on your desired product)
  • Parchment paper
  • Heat press or flat iron
  • Thermometer (ideally for precise temperature control)
  • Scissors
  • Work surface
  • Gloves (optional, for hygiene)


Step 1: Select Your Rosin Bag

Choose an appropriate size and micron rating for the Access Rosin bag based on the type of material you are using:

  • Higher microns (e.g., 160-190) are suitable for flower.
  • Lower microns (e.g., 25-120) are preferable for sift or hash.

Step 2: Prepare Your Material

  • Dried Cannabis Flower: If using flower, ensure it is properly dried and cured. Break it down into smaller pieces but do not grind it too finely to avoid clogging the bag.
  • Hash/Sift: If using hash, ensure it is in a manageable consistency that can be pressed.

Step 3: Fill the Rosin Bag

  1. Open the Bag: Lay the Access Rosin bag flat on a clean, dry surface.
  2. Add the Material: Carefully place your chosen material inside the Rosin bag. Aim for an even layer that fills approximately 3/4 of the bag to allow for expansion during pressing.
  3. Seal the Bag: If the bag has a drawstring or closure, secure it tightly to prevent any of the contents from escaping during pressing.

Step 4: Prepare for Pressing

  1. Preheat Your Press/Flat Iron: Set your heat press or flat iron to a temperature that is suitable for rosin extraction. Generally, temperatures between 180°F to 220°F (82°C to 104°C) work best, but adjust based on your preference.
  2. Use Parchment Paper: Cut a piece of parchment paper large enough to wrap around the Rosin bag. This will catch the rosin as it flows out during the pressing process.

Step 5: Press the Rosin

  1. Position the Rosin Bag: Place the filled and sealed Rosin bag in between the two sheets of parchment paper.
  2. Apply Pressure: Place the stacked parchment paper with the Rosin bag inside the heat press or flat iron. Press down firmly. You can start with light pressure and gradually increase. 
  3. Time Your Press: Allow the material to press for approximately 30 seconds to a minute. Monitor the flow of rosin; you may need to adjust the time based on the material and desired yield.

Step 6: Collect the Rosin

  • Carefully remove the parchment paper from the press. The rosin should have flowed out onto the parchment. 
  • Allow the rosin to cool slightly before handling, then use a dab tool or scraper to collect it.

Step 7: Clean Up

  • Dispose of any leftover material in the Rosin bag, and clean your tools and work surface for the next session.
  • Store the collected rosin in a cool, dark place in an airtight container.


  • Experiment with different temperatures and pressures to find what works best for your specific material.
  • Always wear gloves if desired while handling the plant material to keep the process hygienic.

By following these steps, you can successfully prepare and fill a Rosin Bag for rosin extraction using the Access Rosin method.

Enjoy your freshly pressed rosin!