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How to Prepare Pouch

How to Prepare Pouch

Using our parchment paper pouches with a rosin bag is a method used to safely and efficiently press rosin from plant material. Here’s a step-by-step guide to folding and filling a parchment paper pouch with a rosin bag, specifically using the Access Rosin rosin bags:

Step-by-Step Guide to Use a Parchment Paper Pouch with a Rosin Bag

Materials Needed:

  • Parchment paper (high-quality, non-stick)
  • Access Rosin bags (appropriate size for your needs)
  • Desired plant material (e.g., flower, hash)
  • A pair of scissors
  • A heat source (like a rosin press)
  • A flat surface for working


Step 1: Prepare Your Workspace

  • Clean your workspace to ensure there’s no contamination from dust or leftover residue.
  • Lay down a clean sheet of parchment paper on the flat surface.

Step 2: Cut the Parchment Paper

  • Cut the parchment paper into a rectangular shape. The size will depend on how much material you want to press, but a piece roughly 12x10 inches is a good starting point.

Step 3: Fold the Parchment Paper

  • Creating the Pouch:
    1. Take the rectangular piece of parchment paper and fold it in half lengthwise to create a crease in the middle.
    2. Open it back up and fold the shorter edges towards the center crease, creating a pouch shape.
    3. Fold the bottom of the parchment paper up to the top to form the base of the pouch. Press down firmly to create a strong fold.

Step 4: Cutting and Placing the Rosin Bag

  • Prepare the Rosin Bag:
    1. Take an Access Rosin bag that matches the size of your parchment paper pouch; typically, a bag around 4x6 inches will work well for personal use.
    2. Make sure the rosin bag is clean and dry before use.

Step 5: Fill the Rosin Bag

  • Place the rosin bag inside the parchment paper pouch.
  • Add your desired amount of plant material into the rosin bag. Make sure it is filled evenly but not overstuffed – usually, filling it about 3/4 of the way full works best to allow even pressure distribution during pressing.

Step 6: Seal the Pouch

  • Fold the top of the parchment paper down over the filled rosin bag.
  • Use a clamp or a band to secure the top of the parchment pouch, making sure it’s tightly closed to avoid any leakage during the pressing process.

Step 7: Preheat the Rosin Press

  • Set up your rosin press according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Preheat it to a suitable temperature for your material (usually between 180°F to 220°F). Refer to specific guidelines based on the type of plant material you are using.

Step 8: Press the Pouch

  • Once the press is heated, place the sealed parchment pouch with the rosin bag in between the plates of the rosin press.
  • Press down gently, gradually increasing the pressure to avoid damaging the material too quickly.
  • Maintain the pressure for 30-90 seconds, depending on the material and desired rosin yield.

Step 9: Collect the Rosin

  • After the pressing cycle, carefully remove the parchment pouch from the press using heat-resistant gloves.
  • Let it cool slightly before opening it to release pressure.
  • Carefully unwrap the parchment paper to collect the rosin that has oozed out of the bag.

Step 10: Store the Rosin

  • Use a dab tool or scraper to collect the freshly pressed rosin and transfer it to a suitable container for storage.
  • Store the rosin in a cool, dark place.


  • Make sure to experiment with pressure, time, and temperature for the best results based on your specific material.
  • Always handle hot equipment and materials with care, and follow safety guidelines.

By following these steps, you should be able to create a neat and effective parchment paper pouch with a rosin bag for your rosin pressing needs!