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Technical Explanation


  • Max P.S.I: Govern the max pressure load for which the cylinder is able to apply pressure at any given time.
    • The Rosin Machine requires a MAX P.S.I input to operate movement. FACTORY SET IS 7500 psi.
  • P.S.I Bandwidth: During a running cycle, the pressure will compensate for any pressure loss and maintain a pressure psi set point. The system will regulate pressure psi within this set P.S.I loss input.
  • Add +P.S.I Cycle Run: During a running cycle, it is good to add pressure during.
  • Cycle Complete Auto-Finish Timer Default: When the cycle completes, the user has a set time to max out the press with no pressure limitations. The user is able to pause the timer, and finalize a press by max time or max pressure. SETTINGS ARE FACTORY SET. If for any reason any factory settings have changed, contact Access Rosin.
    • A. Pressure Calibration: The hydraulic pressure sensor requires a calibration as each sensor is unique. SETTINGS ARE FACTORY SET. If for any reason the calibration has changed, contact Access Rosin.
    • B. PID Controller: The ability to control aggressive or sensitive heat application. SETTINGS ARE FACTORY SET.
    • C. Temperature Calibration: The temperature sensors are calibrated here. SETTINGS ARE FACTORY SET.