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Pressure Information / Warning

Pressure Information / Warning

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A. Rosin movement with Pressure: What is happening?

  • Filter Bag: After the resin glands has been liquefied into rosin, and pressure is applied, then rosin moves through the filter screen. Warmer temperatures will liquify the resin faster and turn the rosin more liquid than lower temperatures.
  • Pouch: The rosin transfers from the filtration screen / rosin bag and enters the inside of the parchment paper pouch area known as the “gutters”, when pressure is applied the rosin moves down and out of the gutters to directional flow the rosin.
  • Collection Cavity: When the pouch “gutters” fill with rosin and light increments of pressure is added then rosin will flow into the collection cavity. Typically visual flows begins after resin glands are liquefied into rosin and pressure pushes the rosin through the filtration / rosin bag.

Technical Explanation

FCT Software applies, regulates, and monitors pressure as low as (0psi) and incrementally 8 PSI / 1 PPSI increments. This kind of sensitivity allows The Rosin Machine to process high quality hash or kief without any slippage or blowouts. Additionally, the software controls the power of the equipped 100-Ton cylinder to apply and finish the cycle with pressure up-to (2500psi) which extracts all remaining resin inside the filter bag. Press without any pressure limitations, as The Rosin Machine can process both types of material, hash and/or flower equality as effective and efficient with optimize pressure control.

A. Pressure Conversion: The PSI translate from the Pump-to-Cylinder-to-Surface Area PPSI as followed.

  • Pump P.S.I: 8 P.S.I (Display = Pump Gauge Readout)
  • Cylinder Force: = 160 lbs
  • Surface Area (135”): = 1.1 PP.S.I

B. Safely Process Material: To safely process material without slippage or blow outs.

  • When pressing hash / kief, rather a greasy material, it is important to consider processing 4 bags per press for more efficient pressure distribution.
  • Set the first stages (1-3) to slowly ramp pressure, in small incremental P.S.I increases to safely apply pressure upon activation of a cycle.
    • In the liquify stage, when the plates move by jolt time vs a P.S.I reading, it is important the plates stop before compressing the pouch, which will add pressure to the reading causing a jump in pressure. If compressed, pressure is applied and the cycle will skip the first stage(s).
    • In stage 1, it is important that the machine finds minimal pressure (16 - 25 P.S.I).
    • In stage 2, it is a good idea to have the cycle incrementally increase pressure to assure a gradual ramp of pressure.
      • The goal is to liquefy the resin into rosin before a pressure jump. For example, a 0 to 80+ P.S.I. jump.
  • When pressing flower, the adequate P.S.I should be applied early in a cycle to compensate for the plant material. In addition, maximum pressure is required to finalize a flower rosin press. Note, a thinner puck can help move rosin faster, and releases into the collection area faster, to prevent premature decarboxylation between the plates.