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Post Melt Separation / P.M.S

Post Melt Separation / P.M.S

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Technical Explanation

Post Melt Separation “P.M.S”

When resin glands liquefy into rosin with heat and filtration, the compounds of rosin breakdown in different cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids by their individual melting point, which can show a dominate trait of the rosins compounds in a form of different color spectrums. Post melt separation allows the user to remove the lighter spectrum of rosin, that typically melts first, from the darker spectrum of rosin that typically melts last. How does rosin receive different temperatures from a stable temperature heat plate during the same press cycle? When more pressure is applied overtime, at the same temperature, naturally more heat is applied that activates higher melting point cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids to release.

Benefits: Separate the lighter from darker spectrums for multiple product SKUs in a single press.