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 Can I cancel my order?

We completely get it, we change our minds too! While we wish could, once an order is placed, we are unable to alter or cancel it at this time. We hope to have a cancellation window one day in the future.

Should the item(s) not work out, make sure to exchange for a preferred style or return for a refund. As a reminder, domestic return shipping is free.

 How do I order a system?

There is a few options when you'd like to order a system. As most systems come standard as a SKU, the system is modular and can be customized to fit any size or budget.

  1. Add items to cart, and check out by selecting INVOICE. A card is not required and the purchase is not processed until a quote is approved by customer. The quote is followed up via email.
  2. Call us. An itemized quote is sent via email for approval.

 What if I want to speak to someone?

We want to speak to you too! Start with the Help Center with any questions, concerns, or feedback. We will be sure to get back to you within 48 hours. However, please note that inquiries sent on Fridays will receive reply the following Monday, but possibly sooner.