Cultivation SOP
Pre-Harvest Protocols
1. Light Calibration
Objective: Simulate autumnal light conditions to enhance resin production.
Utilize varied lighting sources while decreasing overall intensity.
Configure LED lights to operate at 40% intensity.
Elevate the lights to increase the distance from the plants.
Mimic the lighting characteristics typical of October (autumn).
2. Light Cessation
Objective: Induce stress in the plant to promote resin enhancement.
Deactivate all lighting for a duration of 48-72 hours prior to harvesting.
3. Temperature Optimization
Objective: Create plant stress through temperature reduction.
Lower the ambient temperature to a range of 60-70 degrees Fahrenheit.
4. Final Stress Application
Objective: Activate the plant’s self-defense mechanisms to increase resin output.
Allow the plant to perceive that it is nearing the conclusion of its life cycle.
Diligently monitor for signs of increased resin production in female plants.